JSXC on NextcloudPi, apache2 configuration

Could anybody help with apache2 configuration in NextcloudPi to prepare for JSXC installation?
According to the manual I should add lines
ProxyPass /http-bind/ http://localhost:5280/http-bind/
ProxyPassReverse /http-bind/ http://localhost:5280/http-bind/
to apache2, but where? What file and what section?

Prosody server is on the other raspberry in the same local network, http-bind is reachable from the network and from the internet. Also Force HTTPS feature was enabled for Nextcloud.
I tried to modify nextcloud.conf, 000-default.conf, default-ssl.conf, but the result was just nextcloud start page.

Maybe our Raspberry Pi guidelines are helpful: https://github.com/jsxc/xmpp-cloud-auth/wiki/raspberry-pi-en

Thank you for the answer.
Yes, I saw this manual, but this example was not suitable for me (I mean not understandable for me), because in nextcloudpi port 80 was redirecting to 443 by default and configuration was rather different.
Finally I put the proxy-lines to nextcloud.conf file into the virtualhost part and now problem is solved

I put the proxy-lines to nextcloud.conf file into the virtualhost part and now problem is solved

Good to hear :tada: