Itinerary file doesn't exist Nextcloud mail error

For some reason I can’t send test emails, I am rlly new so I know nothing, I also don’t know how to reach the root directory or the php config file if needed, I am using Ubuntu 22 LTS

I cannot see, whether you configured the access to a mail-server using IMAP and SMTP.
Nextcloud itself dows contain neither a mailbox nor a mailserver.

So you will need to connect Nextcloud mail to an external IMAP mail account or setup and configure your own mailserver (but it’s tricky).

At the logs with NC 29.0.2 I see the same warning:
Warning mail itinerary file doesn't exist 2024-06-14T04:54:01+00:00. No further details.

The settings of mail sending are as followed:

  • sendmail
  • smtp (-bs)

Sending e-mails is functional by clicking the button for test at the settings site.

I want to add something to this thread. I was never able to configure the mail service with nextcloud. Yesterday I did some deeper testing. I cannnot send smtp mails with authentication to my domino server and also I cannot send smtp mails without authentication to my mailcleaner server. The log just says :
Warnung mail itinerary file doesn’t exist

So I guess I have to provide an itinerary file. How do I do that ? The only thing I found by searching was this thread.

Fresh-installed Nextcloud with all recommended extensions/apps.

At config/config.php I have:

'mail_smtpmode' => 'smtp',
'mail_smtphost' => 'localhost',
'mail_smtpport' => 25,
'mail_from_address' => 'nextcloud',
'mail_domain' => '',

I go to Administration → Basic settings and press on “Send email”.
Inspediately there appears text in red highlight “A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log)
No e-mail is sent and Log reader says:

  • Level: Warning
  • Application: mail
  • Message: itinerary file doesn’t exist

Mail server log does not contain any try to send an e-mail, then has no record about any sending/warning/error. CLI “mail” command works perfectly from console.

I’ve tested by editing file apps/mail/lib/Migration/MakeItineraryExtractorExecutable.php
and replaced line:
$this->logger->warning('itinerary file doesn\'t exist');
$this->logger->warning('itinerary file doesn\'t exist: '.$this->file);

Then Log reader shows a more concrete message:
itinerary file doesn’t exist: /srv/www/…/…/vendor/christophwurst/kitinerary-bin/bin/kitinerary-extractor

I see that referred file really does not exist:
but a different path yes, that exist located as:
It seems a bug in “mail” application/extension files definition.

I continue issue discussion at #207841