Issues syncing large Photoshop files


I am having issues with syncing large photoshop files (around 100mb and up), when saving in photoshop I get an error that the file could not be saved, and I have to retry several times in-order for the save to work. It does not happen everytime, but it occures more often than a successful save.

Also when I check the description panel in the web app, it says that the file was deleted and then created shortly after which results in no versions getting created.

I am unsure what the cause of the problem is, photoshop do save a temp file while performing the save action as described in:
Or maybe something else is locking the files.

Here is a log of the common pattern I see when trying to save (edited in order to remove):


||storage/ps788C.tmp|INST_NEW|Up|1503060384||269980564||3|Local file changed during sync.|201|0|0|||INST_NONE|
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2017-08-18T14:46:27 (last step: 784 msec, total: 958 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun started 2017-08-18T14:46:29
#=#=#=#=# Propagation starts 2017-08-18T14:46:29 (last step: 208 msec, total: 208 msec)
||storage/Image.psd|INST_SYNC|Up|1503060389|204f4e82effe75383a216a8251334f32|475071732|00100388ocg37ascc52x|3|Local file changed during sync.|0|476063188|1503060066|204f4e82effe75383a216a8251334f32|00100388ocg37ascc52x|INST_NONE|
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2017-08-18T14:46:30 (last step: 1003 msec, total: 1212 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun started 2017-08-18T14:46:33
#=#=#=#=# Propagation starts 2017-08-18T14:46:33 (last step: 507 msec, total: 507 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2017-08-18T14:46:45 (last step: 11631 msec, total: 12138 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun started 2017-08-18T14:47:36
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2017-08-18T14:47:37 (last step: 184 msec, total: 781 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun started 2017-08-18T14:48:29
#=#=#=#=# Propagation starts 2017-08-18T14:48:29 (last step: 169 msec, total: 169 msec)
||storage/ps57FC.tmp|INST_NEW|Up|1503060507||264726547||3|Local file changed during sync.|201|0|0|||INST_NONE|
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2017-08-18T14:48:30 (last step: 1053 msec, total: 1222 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun started 2017-08-18T14:48:32
#=#=#=#=# Propagation starts 2017-08-18T14:48:33 (last step: 275 msec, total: 275 msec)
||storage/Image.psd|INST_SYNC|Up|1503060511|468790fcbf45581e248618b146fbae09|475470888|00100445ocg37ascc52x|3|Error transferring - server replied: Locked (“storage/Image.psd” is locked)|423|475071732|1503060389|468790fcbf45581e248618b146fbae09|00100445ocg37ascc52x|INST_NONE|
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2017-08-18T14:48:43 (last step: 10341 msec, total: 10617 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun started 2017-08-18T14:48:48
#=#=#=#=# Propagation starts 2017-08-18T14:48:48 (last step: 169 msec, total: 169 msec)
||storage/Image.psd|INST_SYNC|Up|1503060511|468790fcbf45581e248618b146fbae09|475470888|00100445ocg37ascc52x|2|Error transferring - server replied: Locked (“storage/Image.psd” is locked)|423|475071732|1503060389|468790fcbf45581e248618b146fbae09|00100445ocg37ascc52x|INST_NONE|
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2017-08-18T14:48:49 (last step: 1118 msec, total: 1288 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun started 2017-08-18T14:48:51
#=#=#=#=# Propagation starts 2017-08-18T14:48:52 (last step: 237 msec, total: 237 msec)
||storage/Image.psd|INST_SYNC|Up|1503060511|468790fcbf45581e248618b146fbae09|475470888|00100445ocg37ascc52x|2|Error transferring - server replied: Locked (“storage/Image.psd” is locked)|423|475071732|1503060389|468790fcbf45581e248618b146fbae09|00100445ocg37ascc52x|INST_NONE|
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2017-08-18T14:48:53 (last step: 1052 msec, total: 1289 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun started 2017-08-18T14:49:36
#=#=#=#=# Propagation starts 2017-08-18T14:49:37 (last step: 546 msec, total: 546 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2017-08-18T14:49:39 (last step: 2384 msec, total: 2931 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun started 2017-08-18T14:49:58
#=#=#=#=# Propagation starts 2017-08-18T14:49:59 (last step: 493 msec, total: 493 msec)
||storage/psB3E3.tmp|INST_NEW|Up|1503060596||302193736||3|Local file changed during sync.|201|0|0|||INST_NONE|
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2017-08-18T14:49:59 (last step: 838 msec, total: 1331 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun started 2017-08-18T14:50:01
#=#=#=#=# Propagation starts 2017-08-18T14:50:02 (last step: 552 msec, total: 552 msec)
||storage/Image.psd|INST_SYNC|Up|1503060600|870c6a4f40d5c248b940fb8a09be502f|475519430|00100502ocg37ascc52x|3|Error transferring - server replied: Locked (“storage/Image.psd” is locked)|423|475470888|1503060511|870c6a4f40d5c248b940fb8a09be502f|00100502ocg37ascc52x|INST_NONE|
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2017-08-18T14:50:12 (last step: 9723 msec, total: 10276 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun started 2017-08-18T14:50:17
#=#=#=#=# Propagation starts 2017-08-18T14:50:17 (last step: 585 msec, total: 585 msec)
||storage/Image.psd|INST_SYNC|Up|1503060600|870c6a4f40d5c248b940fb8a09be502f|475519430|00100502ocg37ascc52x|2|Error transferring - server replied: Locked (“storage/Image.psd” is locked)|423|475470888|1503060511|870c6a4f40d5c248b940fb8a09be502f|00100502ocg37ascc52x|INST_NONE|
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2017-08-18T14:50:18 (last step: 1065 msec, total: 1650 msec)

Best Regards,

Are you using the desktop sync app or doing a direct save via webDAV? What do the server logs say?

Thanks for the reply, I am using the desktop client 2.3.1 on windows 10.

I would have a hard time believing it has to do with file type, so my guess leans on there’s either some locking going on that doesn’t play nice with syncing or you have a cap set on file upload sizes

I am also sure it’s not related to the file format but rather a locking issue, the log do say: Error transferring … server replied: Locked(“storage/Image.psd” is locked).
However I am unsure what would cause the server to lock the file, and if I can do something to prevent it.

I added the full logs in the first post, expand the summary to see it.

Nextcloud typically locks files during file operations. How large is your photoshop file? Can you test with a very small one as well?


Thanks for the reply, the issue occurs when the file reaches around 100mb and upwards, small files do not have the same issue, they work just fine.

When the Photoshop file gets larger, photoshop saves a temp file which it writes all the data to and then presumably renames the temp file to the actual output file (many adobe applications works this way). I am unsure if this is the cause of the issue.

Do other non-PS 100MB+ files have the same behavior?

The desktop client still has this issue. What happens is that during that temp saving period the desktop client deletes the actual .psd file therefor one cant save the .psd file anymore, Photoshop tries to save as a non existing file so it brings up the new file save dialog.

The desktop client has no awareness of PS creating a temp file (and then renames it) to save the actual file and this is a big problem.

Here is the prooof of what is happening, bear in mind, I am in PS saving a file. I did not delete any files druing this period.


The desktop client normally just propagates deletions that are done either on the client (-> then propagates the deletion to the server), or from the server (if it was deleted on the server or by a different client). If you move a file outside the sync folder of NC, it is like a deletion because the changes are not tracked any more.
If a file is copied, that shouldn’t trigger any deletion.

Question is now is the Client doing something wrong and deleting the file?
Or is there something done by Photoshop’s moving/copying around, that looks like a deletion but is actually very temporary, which then could perhaps be better handled somehow by the desktop client.

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The file size is relevant only because the client acts way too fast before the whole PS cycle is done. This might not be an issue with files that are small enough that the client cant act fast enough. In the image above, “you created xxxx.psd” is when I save the .psd file again as a new file since the original has been deleted by the NC client.

I literally struggle with this hundred times a day since I need to save large .psd files regularly.