Issue : SMB / CIFS does not work anymore after update

Nextcloud version 22.2.0
Ubuntu 20.04
Apache Apache 2.4.25
PHP 7.4

Hi Guys,

Since the last update of my Ubuntu server and NC version, I lost my access Externe Storage in SMB/CFIS shared folders. It worked perfectly for over a year.

This folders are shared from a Windows Server 2012r2 with smb1/2/3 actived.

Has anyone encountered a similar problem?

Thank you

Really no one has encountered a problem? is this really a stable version?


I have the same problem with the same configuration after reinstall NextcloudPi on Raspberry pi4.

I already add a kind of this problem, but I can’t find the solution again.

check your PHP dependences. Maybe you are missing the required ones (ie, under ubuntu, you need php-smbclient to make SMB shares works)