Thanks so much
Thanks so much
For an install on a bare machine, it’s a good start. It does the basic install of webserver, php and database.
For a better performance, the use of caching is important, a few starting points to check are in the documentation:
Especially redis was not mentioned, and the database caches (Database configuration — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation).
I’ve installed a few instances of Nextcloud using this tute:
It provides in-depth CLI code samples for installing with Nginx, PostGreSQL, Redis, Let’sEncrypt certificates, etc.
It’s written a few years back but works just fine if you replace the version numbers with newer ones. Also, the nextcloud.conf from the official sources will iron out a few warnings about ocp-handlers that the tutorial doesn’t address.
We have this for Mageia with NGINX:
Nextcloud server installation with NGINX - Mageia wiki
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