Is there already some kind of central Wiki for Nextcloud?

Is there already some kind of central Wiki for Nextcloud?

Sharing docs is nice, but sometimes a central wiki is easier.

Is there already a wiki-plugin?

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Yes, I think so. I dont remember teh domain anymore but when you log in as a user or a admin to your server, than you cal click at the bottom rigth on your accoutn and help. than a add on opens with teh nextcloud help section. That’s kinda like a wiki I think.

I’m also searching for some Nextcloud integrated Wiki for a long time. So far I couldn’t find one. Any tips are highly appreciated.

Maybe this could be enough for your needs:

Otherwise give a look to this:

Yet I do not see a lot of activity on it

There’s a new app called Collectives which is essentially a wiki app. It’s under heavy development but already useable, I’ve tried it out on my instance. Now I’m going around telling people about it so maybe more people help with it’s development!

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Thank you, Collectives looks good. That’s what I was looking for.