Is there a way to use Collective as Website?

Do you know any good Markdown CMS that are good compatible with Collective?

Collective Is a really nice tool. I think about installing a Flat-File CMS and mounting their folder into Nexctcloud and update it with Collective… If this is possible.

Have you looked at the Pico CMS integration app? It might let you use a Collective folder as its backing. I’ll be interested to hear back if that does the job for you!

For the record. At moment, I do not follow this further. I was able to install and use several Homepage tools but in terms of PicoCMS and other flat CMS I was not able to modify the Design of the Homepage to my wishes. So I gave up using a Flat file CMS and went back to Wordpress with his huge Template library.
I earlier HTML Days I did understand how CSS and HTML work, but It seems that this day’s I’m not any more skilled enough to design my own Website. And have not anymore that energy to dig into how to do it on my own.

Not really nice.

There is no really change in HTML, CSS but maybe in Javascript. But a CMS can be so complex that it looks like a modern website including interaction.

Maybe you like W3.CSS. A CSS-Framework with only 200 lines of CSS-code (no Javascript). You can copy the templates and modify them. It is all free. You must also not write the W3.CSS footer “Powered by w3.css”.

W3.CSS is Free

W3.CSS is free to use. No license is necessary.

The only used file:

I changed some of my projects form Bootstrap to W3.CSS. But because Javascript is missing in W3.CSS there are e.g. no modals. I only write small Javascript parts in W3.CSS.

It seems, Pico CMS has not been supported for some years/nextcloud versions anymore.