Is there a way nextcloud shows up as drive letter in file explorer

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The issue you are facing:
Lot of times, I needed to scp using winscp etc., reference to drive. it is unique challenge with nextcloud because you can access files only through c:\users<username>\nextcloud.
I was wondering if there was a way client would setup the nextcloud share using drive letter in windows explorer?

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N):

Steps to replicate it:

The output of your Nextcloud log in Admin > Logging:


The output of your config.php file in /path/to/nextcloud (make sure you remove any identifiable information!):


The output of your Apache/nginx/system log in /var/log/____:


Output errors in nextcloud.log in /var/www/ or as admin user in top right menu, filtering for errors. Use a pastebin service if necessary.


You are not required to place your folder in the user profile (c:\users..) and you can choose another drive as well… but it is not possible to place the sync folder in the root of any drive. I don’t have the reference handy but there is some Windows limitation. but you definitely can store the NC sync folder in the top level of the drive like n:\Nextcloud

Yes. I explained a stable solution → here ←

Much and good luck,

For each computer, you must share the C:\Users folder (with full permissions for authenticated users, or domain users, if the computer is a member of a domain).

NET SHARE Users=C:\Users /GRANT:"CONTOSO\Domain Users",FULL /GRANT:"CONTOSO\Domain Admin",FULL /CACHE:None /GRANT:"Authenticated Users",FULL

Per computer, you need to share the C:\Users folder (with full permissions for authenticated users, or domain users, if the computer is a member of a domain).
So, now that you have a share called Users on each PC (following the example), for each user you can map the Nextcloud folder as a network letter:

NET USE \\localhost\Users\%USERNAME%\Nextcloud

This has some advantages over other methods (like SUBST):

  1. you don’t use your network connection (you’re using the localhost backend),
  2. network drive mapping is per-user,
  3. network drives can be arbitrarily renamed so that a valid label is assigned. (You even have a GPO interface to map network drives in the context of the logged-in user session).

I hope it will be useful to you.
