Is there a script to uninstall NextCloud from a server?

I have an Ubuntu 16.04 server that I’d like to remove NextCloud from.
I want to set it up on a diff server.

Is there a script to remove NextCloud cleanly?


It is as simple as deleting the Database, removing the /var/www/ files of Nextcloud (root-dir of your Nextcloud installation) … and remove the data folder :wink: …dont miss the logs.

Then … Nextcloud itself is cleanly uninstalled. But PHP, Apache2/nginx and the database-server remains of course :wink:

… This is only for a standard installation and will be different for a snap, docker etc. instance :grin:

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FWIW In the build directory (build-linux) I found an install_manifest.txt file which lists filenames. I removed these files too.