Is the built-in CODE server secure?

I have multiple nextcloud servers, f.e., and build-in CODE server on And now i recognized that i can connect from to without any restrictions. I don’t want let the whole Internet to use my code server, so what can i do to avoid this?

I have no idea about built-in CODE server but standard Collabora installation has built-in settings to define which WOPI host is allowed to use the specific Collabora instance (source). I would have expected this hardening is applied to integrated CODE server by default…

<storage desc="Backend storage">
    <filesystem allow="false" />
    <wopi desc="Allow/deny wopi storage." allow="true">
        <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">localhost</host>
        <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">10\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
        <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">172\.1[6789]\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
        <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">172\.2[0-9]\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
        <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">172\.3[01]\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
        <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">192\.168\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
        <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="false">192\.168\.1\.1</host>
        <max_file_size desc="Maximum document size in bytes to load. 0 for unlimited." type="uint">0</max_file_size>
        <locking desc="Locking settings">
            <refresh desc="How frequently we should re-acquire a lock with the storage server, in seconds (default 15 mins) or 0 for no refresh" type="int" default="900">900</refresh>