Is nextcloud automatically renewing ssl certificates?

Hi everyone!

I installed nextcloud and got a certificate successfully with sudo nextcloud.enable-https lets-encrypt . Now I am wondering if that automatically renews the certificates or if I have to do that configuration myself? Do I have to set any pre-hooks or post-hooks or a cronjob or is everything already in place?

I installed nc via snap and am currently on v17.

Any hint or help is appreciated, thanks a lot!

did you search the cronjobs on your server? :wink:
i don’t know the snap installation in detail, but would be surprised if it’s not automatically updating your certs.

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Now I am wondering if that automatically renews the certificates or if I have to do that configuration myself? Do I have to set any pre-hooks or post-hooks or a cronjob or is everything already in place?

Yes, it will update them for you! You can sit back and relax now.

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I did but didn’t find anything

Thanks, that’s great!!

Ehmm, where is this file located nextcloud.enable-https? Never seen it.

@ knedlyk
I think it’s snap specific. I’ve never seen that file it either!