I don’t understand whether my wopi is secure. According to the documentation :
By default Collabora Online enables the first WOPI host that tries to connect. You can define the allowed WOPI hosts by passing environment variables.
In my case, the first wopi server to connect is my nextcloud. I’ve also configured my dockercompose in this way:
- domain=mysite.fr
- extra_params=--o:ssl.enable=false --o:ssl.termination=true
- VIRTUAL_HOST=collabora.mysite.fr
- LETSENCRYPT_HOST=collabora.mysite.fr
In any case, everything works perfectly, apart from this message which is worrying me:
You haven’t configured the authorisation list for WOPI requests. Without this setting, users can download restricted files via WOPI requests on the Nextcloud server.
thanks for your help