iOS App on iPad crashing on open

There have been a couple of updates to the iOS app over the last 3 or so days. I have version 2.25.7.

The app just crashes / closed on start up.

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Same here, updated today to 2.25.7. After clicking the app symbol, the app boot screen is visible ~0.5 seconds, before throwing me back to the app screen (can be (nearly) infinitly repeated). Using a regular iPhone 11 with iOS 13.3.1 here.

Uninstalling and reinstalling should fix the problem.
Why this happens is not known to me yet.

Same issue with version 2.25.8 (2.25.7 worked fine) on iPadOS 13.3.1, on my iPhone with iOS 13.3.1 and 2.25.8 everything works fine.
Perhaps entries into console will help someone:

error 12:32:35.776001+0100 kernel Sandbox: Nextcloud(247) deny(1) sysctl-read kern.bootargs
error 12:32:35.802898+0100 kernel Sandbox: Nextcloud(247) deny(2) file-test-existence /private/etc/.mdns_debug
error 12:32:35.907696+0100 Nextcloud Unknown class NC in Interface Builder file.
error 12:32:35.921154+0100 Nextcloud Class UITabBar overrides the -traitCollection getter, which is not supported. If you’re trying to override traits, you must use the appropriate API.
error 12:32:35.921178+0100 Nextcloud Class Nextcloud.NCMainTabBar overrides the -traitCollection getter, which is not supported. If you’re trying to override traits, you must use the appropriate API.
error 12:32:36.184910+0100 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item <RBProcessMonitorObserver: 0x100a45f90; <RBProcess: 0x100a76a30; 247; identity: application<it.twsweb.Nextcloud>>; configCount: 0>
error 12:32:36.187856+0100 runningboardd Launchd says label UIKitApplication:it.twsweb.Nextcloud[60cf][rb-legacy] has never exited
error 12:32:36.188705+0100 runningboardd Launchd says label UIKitApplication:it.twsweb.Nextcloud[60cf][rb-legacy] has never exited
error 12:32:36.214230+0100 runningboardd Launchd says label UIKitApplication:it.twsweb.Nextcloud[60cf][rb-legacy] has never exited
error 12:32:36.215742+0100 runningboardd Launchd says label UIKitApplication:it.twsweb.Nextcloud[60cf][rb-legacy] has never exited