Internal Server Error The server was unable to complete your request. If this happens again, please send the technical details below to the server administrator. More details can be found in the server log

because the previous file was not encrypted.
so the file format is different, the solution is to disable encryption on nextcloud.

If you need to disable encryption, there’s only one way to do so. Before you do, make certain you have backups of all the files_encrypted files for all users and the system.

Here are the steps to disable encryption.

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Change to the Nextcloud directory with the command cd /var/www/html/nextcloud
  3. Switch the Nextcloud maintenance mode to on with the command sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:mode --on
  4. Disable encryption with the command sudo -u www-data php occ encryption:disable
  5. Turn off maintenance mode with the command sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:mode --off

Source (outdated): How to enable server-side encryption in Nextcloud | TechRepublic

A post was split to a new topic: Internal server error after update of NCP

Made an account just to post this. I had the exact error w. NC28.

I purged my ubuntu VM of Redis and cleared redis from my config.php. WIll try again later to enable file locking but for now, that immediately resolved my issue (after a reload of apache2)

put nc in maintneance mode
apt autoremove --purge redis-server
clean up config.php of redis configs
take nc out of maintenance mode
reload apache2

worked immediately, no issues and my previous issue of no files being avialble disappeared as well.

Came in 2024 to this post to say this was ACTUALLY my problem. Renamed the epubreader to something, not even a restart on the docker-container and instant fix. Can’t delete the app now via the web-interface, but w/e.

Works. Thanks 2021. Thanks NC that apps can still fully break it.

@Donixon oh yes. following your arguments NC (and every other company/project in the world) is fully responsible for what a 3rd party is doing with and to it? Cool!
If you overrun ppl with your car it’s not your fault but the problem of the manufacturer?
If you put your dog in the microwaves and kill it while only wanting t dry it it’s not your fault but the problem of the microwavescompany?

This concept of the world is just insane.

There are only 2 responsibles for your problem.
First and foremost “epubreader”-dev is resonsible for their code.
2nd: you alone are responsible for what YOU install to YOUR server.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to get that out.

first; No problem for being the punching bag in this 4 year old tread, I’m fine.

second; My point was that 3th-party applications have the ‘power’ to break an entire application. Why is it not so that the application just doesn’t work. Makes more sense to me.

Hope you’re doing fine, Jimmy! Weekend is on the way.


If you create an app, the app-code will be executed so the app can do what it does, e.g. it adds its symbol to the app bar or adds items to existing menu. So you cannot filter that easily.

You could create a validation process and some testing of apps before they hit the app store… and still then there can be difference due to environments etc.

The epubreader app isn’t even installable on current versions of Nextcloud unless you force it. It hasn’t been compatible with any version of Nextcloud since v23 from the looks of it. Force enabling it bypasses all compatibility checks.

well… this is highly unprofessional. The correct way to disable and remove a non working or faulty app is:

php occ app:disable <app-id> from within your installing directory. where “app-id” could be any of your choice. e.g. files for the app “files”

for more information about how to handle apps correctly take a look into the manual

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I’m really not sure why everyone here is wildin, because I made a statement. If this is a common solution, maybe the answer should be in this threat. After 4 years, a random revive came to the light, with for me an answer, and everyone is suddenly mad.

Thanks anyway for this highly professional (and a bit aggressive) solution to the problem.

Hope yall have some nice holidays with the loved ones.


you forgot that everything was embedded into a load of peace-signs and pretty flowers… the software isn’t just able to show that.

Im closing this thread. As you probably won’t have THE SAME problem. maybe a similar one. so you can re-link this thread into your new thread

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