Integrating Syncthing with Nextcloud and Owncloud

See Nextcloud github issue #8384 by clicking here. Integrating Syncthing into both Nextcloud and Owncloud could address our long desired LAN Sync and Delta Sync needs referenced on github. Perhaps it could also allow Syncthing users to run the Nextcloud / Owncloud mobile apps for better iOS support. There have been various discussions about this for years, but Iā€™m curious about what others think now that we are in 2018.

Having multiple Sync backends sounds like a good idea imho, especially when they integrate nicely. Here is a link to this discussion posted on the Syncthing Discourse forum.

Some people do use a combination of syncthing/btsync and Nextcloud. You set up your Syncthing solution and sync the files to a folder that you then integrate via the external storage into Nextcloud. You need to set the permissions on your server that the webserver user has access to your Syncthing-folder.

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