Does anyone know where I can edit the Custom : nextcloud-aio network the main container creates?
If I set the main AIO Container to a separate VLAN, this custom network that is created defaults to Bridge mode. I want to keep web facing applications on a separate network for obvious reasons.
You can simply create the networj with custom options before you launch aio. The name needs to be nextcloud-aio
Will give this a try and post results later?
How can I create a custom nework with macvlan?
these are the only commands shown in terminal.
connect Connect a container to a network
create Create a network
disconnect Disconnect a container from a network
inspect Display detailed information on one or more networks
ls List networks
prune Remove all unused networks
rm Remove one or more networks
I dont see anything there about vlans
Would this be the correct command?
docker network create -d macvlan --subnet= --gateway= -o parent=br0.55 nextcloud-aio
Error response from daemon: network dm-ab405980fc96 is already using parent interface br0.55
To edit the network for the Nextcloud AIO container, create a custom Docker network with the appropriate settings (e.g., a VLAN network) and connect the container to it. Ensure that the network is configured to use macvlan
or another driver that supports isolation, rather than the default bridge
mode. Update your container configuration, such as a Docker Compose file, to attach the container to this network. Verify that firewall rules and VLAN settings are correctly configured to allow proper traffic flow. Finally, check the container’s connectivity and logs to ensure it is functioning as intended.