Installation not working

you have putty installed? you can ssh into your vm?

I dont have putty installed?..

Now i have it, what do i do?

On windows 10 you can open the command prompt and use ssh from there:
ssh ncadmin@localipaddress
should work.


connect to your vm. you need the ip address and user/password. to you have it?

I have it both

so login to the server.


My other VM has internet access so i dont know why it should be a problem now

I am in this step now but i cant type @ in it?

so you have an error in network definition.

i can’t you help you out here. it might be vmware related. @enoch85 daniel might know. or google.

i would say: don’t care. or check if the vm uses the english/us keyboard layout. in germany i would press z and woudl get an y on the screen if keyboard layout is a problem.

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I guess in this case is your keyboard layout not correct. You should have seen an option ro change the layout during the initial setup.