I can’t seem to find any details for configuring the Fulltextsearch and Elasticsearch plugins after successfully installing them. I have no problem installing/enabling the plugins using occ app:enable ...
, but after that it seems I have to manually set up the Elasticsearch plugin using the GUI.
I tried to do exactly that in the hopes I could then dig the settings out of the config.php
but the plugins don’t seem to store any config settings there.
I’ve found a list of available commands HERE, but they don’t include anything for configuration, only operating the feature once it’s been installed and configured.
Does anyone know if you can enable the elasticsearch Platform, and point NC fulltextsearch at it using OCC?
EDIT: I’ve found a number of related values in the Database -> oc_appconfig
fulltextsearch app_navigation 1
fulltextsearch enabled yes
fulltextsearch installed_version 1.4.1
fulltextsearch provider_indexed {"test_provider":"0"}
fulltextsearch search_platform OCA\FullTextSearch_ElasticSearch\Platform\ElasticSearchPlatform
fulltextsearch types
fulltextsearch_elasticsearch analyzer_tokenizer standard
fulltextsearch_elasticsearch elastic_host http://localhost:9200
fulltextsearch_elasticsearch elastic_index nextcloud
fulltextsearch_elasticsearch enabled yes
fulltextsearch_elasticsearch installed_version 1.5.1
fulltextsearch_elasticsearch types
Is there a way to inject these settings during setup using OCC or another built-in feature, or can I simply use mysql statements to add/update these… and is that wise?