Hello everyone
I just install Nextcloud with Truecharts in my Truenas Scale server.
I see in the dashboard that I have missing index “fs_storage_path_prefix” for table “filecache”.
In the latest Nextcloud versions occ is not an executable anymore.
sudo php /path/to/nextcloud/occ db:add-missing-indices
Depending on your installation Nextcloud has been installed in a docker container or a different folder f.e. /var/www/html
If you get a result after “sudo docker ps” with “Nextcloud” in the output lines, Nextcloud is in a docker container.
If in a docker container, use sudo docker exec -u www-data php /var/www/html/occ db:add-missing-indices
(the path may be different)
Ho yes i see. I should use the shell in the pod.
It works thx.
I thought this would speed up nextcloud but this is not the case. I will investigate more (but this is an other problem for this topic).
I think about my speed connection.