Incorrect calendar refresh rate when subscribing to a Nextcloud calendar (but works fine with other subscriptions)

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Summary of the issue you are facing:

I have create a calendar on one Nextcloud server, created a share link (edit > share link > copy subscription link) and imported it on another Nextcloud server (+ button > New subscription from link (read-only)). On import all events are loaded fine but any new changes take ages to appear (around 8hours).

I have changed the calendar subscription refresh rate on both servers to every 5 minutes (I also tried every 5 seconds) using

php occ config:app:set dav calendarSubscriptionRefreshRate --value "PT5M"

And the console confirms the variable has been set. Yet the refresh does not happen at the correct rate for this calendar.

On the same server where I subscribed to the Nextcloud calendar, I also have a subscription to a work google calendar and this one does refresh at the correct rate!

I wonder, is there anything I do wrong with subscribing to the nextcloud calendar?

Is there a way to manually trigger a calendar refresh (via occ command or otherwise) to to further testing?

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Can you see in the logs of either server whether the requests are made at the set interval? This may help to see if the issue is caused by the server making the requests or the server that hosts the calendar.
Perhaps the server that hosts the calendar has a firewall that prevents frequent requests? Or maybe the requesting server does not actually try to update the calendar as frequently as you wanted. Then maybe there is an issue with the calendar itself – I am really just guessing here – I would suggest an issue with cron, but a cron issue would also affect the other calendar subscription.