Incomplete uninstall on Windows 10 File Explorer


I tested the Windows 10 desktop client and connected with two different user accounts.

Each time the client made a link in the Windows File explorer. After uninstalling the client software these links are still present and I don’t know how to remove them.

I expected the client to remove the first link after I removed the first user account from the client software and to remove both links after uninstalling the software completely.

Any idea how to fix this?

Thanks in advance


I found the solution. I had to go to the registry (regedit), search for the two entries of Nextcloud and delete them manually. Then restart the file explorer.

Is there a way to suggest this for a future fix of the client software? I’m new here…

usually that could be done on github
please recheck if it wasn’t commited before and please keep to their demandings to post an issue.

it would be nice if you could post a link to your gh-issue as an answer here after having filed it…
thanks in advance.


where are these keys to delete ?

  1. Win + R
  2. regedit

go to “Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{09adefc9-9a45-4a49-a868-afae669d82a2}”
set “System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree” to 0

Regedit → Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace

There should be two Keys with the name of “NextCloud” as DWORDs. Just remove those.

Taskkill /f /im explorer.exe && explorer.exe

This will remove Nextcloud from your Windows File Explorer.