Import opml and connection problem

Ok, I cannot install news on my server as it says
Server version 27 or lower is required.

Ok, not so dramatic.

Mobile is important to me but it is not working either.

What I want to do is to import my RSS feeds through an opml file.

Android 14 device
I open the app, hit add feed, hit import opml and nothing happens. The button to export opml seemingly works as it confirms the export.

Android 8.1.1 device
After hitting the button to import opml, it opens a file explorer to select the file. After I select it, it aborts giving me a 404 error. I tried with the “accessing manually function” but it aborts as well, this time with a 401 error.

Other NC apps have access to my server.

Anybody knows what is the issue here?

Install the nightly build of the News app which should work well with newer Nextcloud versions.

As far as I know the Android app relies on the News server app. If you didn’t have the app installed on your server, the client app won’t work.