IDP iniatied SAML logging "null" webpage text while SP initiated works fine

IDP iniatied SAML logging “null” webpage text while SP initiated works fine

Logging in with saml via SP works correctly. Attempting to login through our IDP dashboard will redirect to a webpage that just displays “null”



I’m having the same issue. Were you able to get a resolution to this? It appears you are using Duo for SAML which is my SAML solution as well.

You’re in luck buddy, I’ll be the guy that updates the forum post with a solution :wink:

Nextcloud config:


Rest of DUO config (for us)

This goes in nextcloud SSO service spot

This was the main culprit however


I won’t vouch for the security issues this may create however

Good luck!

Just logging in to say thanks. I upgraded from 18.04 to the latest 19 RC and SAML broke, returning null. Commenting out those three lines allowed me to at least login until I could get things sorted. For those wondering, those three lines are in /var/www/html/custom_apps/user_saml/lib/Controller/SAMLController.php. I’m running fpm in Docker containers, and I’ve got a local ./data folder mapped to /var/www/html inside the container, so I was able to edit the necessary file with the container stack down, then docker-compose up -d and I could login again. I wouldn’t leave this commented out for long, but it was a perfect temp fix, so thank you!

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