I wanted to switch from Owncloud 10.2.1 to Nextcloud

I had heard a lot of good from Nextcloud so I wanted to migrate from Owncloud 10.2.1.
But the automatic script did not work. Someting about versions (Exception: Updates between multiple major versions and downgrades are unsupported.)
I tried a lot of Nextcloud versions to figure out something.
Nextcloud V12.0.x had the same version problem.
Nextcloud v11.0.x seems to be good, at first, but failed on sql error messages.

I am not the only one with that issue. But no answer on previous posts.

Is there a way to migrate to Nexcloud or am I now stuck to OC 10.2.1 ?

1- you can force the migration by modifying a file making your OwnCloud Version compatible

2- you can wait for the next release NextCloud 17 who will be compatible for the migration.

I suggest you to have a real backup of your OwnCloud instance (www files, datas, database dump) then try the migration. I will tell you how in some minutes.

EDIT : finally you have to do the MANUAL upgrade.
You have to install a Nextcloud 12 version first.
Before doing the occ upgrade command you have to modify the mysql base because of a foreign key constraint. I give you the link for that :

After that you should have Nextcloud 12 and after you can upgrade to 16 or 17.

Thank you for your quick answer.
Because I have no access to the server, only web and FTP access, I will wait for v17.
But I will make proper backup first !

Will the OC 10.2.1 be compatible with the next migration process as is or will I have to modifiy something in the config file or elsewhere ?

No the migration tool don’t get updated at all since a while. That why you have to do the manual migration to an old nextcloud version (12)
After you get your nextcloud running then you can upgrade to 16 or 17 via the automatic updater

in this case i would do a restore to a new machine and do the migration there. after everything is tested and checked i would make a backup of this installation and restore it to the original location.

this way you always have a fallback.

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if you don’t know how to get a quick owncloud setup:

get a ubuntu18/debian9/centos7 server (aws,azure,scaleway,digitalocean,hetzner,virtualbox)

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ReinerNippes/nextcloud/master/prepare_system.sh | /bin/bash

git clone https://github.com/ReinerNippes/nextcloud

./nextcloud.yml -e fqdn=your.domain.com -e ssl_certificate_type=letsencrypt -e 'cert_email=your@email' -e next_archive=https://download.owncloud.org/community/owncloud-10.2.1.tar.bz2 -e php_version=7.2 -e nc_db_type=mysql

or without certificates

./nextcloud.yml -e next_archive=https://download.owncloud.org/community/owncloud-10.2.1.tar.bz2 -e php_version=7.2 -e nc_db_type=mysql

well. the playbook will fail at first run. because the owncloud archive extracts to /var/www/owncloud. so you have to do a mv /var/www/{owncloud,nextcloud}. you have to do so, because the nginx webserver is configured that way. you may also change it’s config.

now you will continue with your restore. so you don’t need the configuration step that follows in the playbook.

Thanks for the tips. I not sure I will do that. I did build copy servers times ago, but I don’t get much time now. I’ll see how it goes.
But your counsels will be helpfull to others. I I have seen a lot on this forum with same problem.
Thank you all