i would like to use the existing talk app on NeXT cloud, And add a plug-in or edit this code So that it’s possible to add folders for channels on the NeXT cloud Web Version and i want you to add functionalities either adding plugins or edit the code to NeXT cloud talk app so i could be able to create folders for channel \
NeXT, Inc. (later NeXT Computer, Inc. and NeXT Software, Inc.) was an American technology company headquartered in Redwood City, California that specialized in computer workstations for higher education and business use. The company was founded by Apple Computer co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs after he was forcibly removed from Apple in 1985 (Source: NeXT - Wikipedia)
Sorry couldn’t help it.
I can’t answer the actual question because I’m not a developer, but maybe it’s worth to take a look at this: Nextcloud developer documentation — Nextcloud latest Developer Manual latest documentation
…specifically at this section: Talk Integration — Nextcloud latest Developer Manual latest documentation
and this: Nextcloud Talk API documentation
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