I just updated my docker installation from 20.0.8 to 21.0.4, strange things happened

Hi there! I finally made it through but I wanted to share what happened and strange things that I encountered.

I just tried to upgrade from 20 to 21 by changing my docker compose file with the new 21 container. I do this each time I want to upgrade and most of the time it works well. This time I got a pretty strange issue:
Exception: Database error when running migration latest for app core

After trying some possible things I found about on some github issues, it did not work for me.

So I went and checked the log and there I was able to find this issue: ERROR: An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 4047 InnoDB refuses to write tables with ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED or KEY_BLOCK_SIZE.

Thanks to this page I was able to update my docker compose file with the right parameter for my mariadb container so it ended up working!

The only strange thing remaining was this message at the end of the update

I don’t know why it’s saying this since most of those app seem to be enabled, compatible and running when I go check in “apps”.

I almost felt that I was going to have to use my backups and re install everything but after an hour or so I was able to get this working so I hope my review about this can help someone that might have the same struggles. And if you understand why the apps were marked as incompatible but were in fact running, let me know!