I joined Nextcloud

Hi community,

for those of you who didn’t realize it yet, starting July 1st I joined Nextcloud, after leaving ownCloud on 30th June.

I was (and will be) the maintainer of the following features:

  • Activity
  • AnnouncementCenter
  • Notifications

I also worked on some of the features most of you have never seen:

I’m happy to join the new Nextcloud community and look forward to further develop Nextcloud in a way that lets all of us benefit from each others capabilities.

cheers nickvergessen


Then I should probably introduce myself as well.

I also stared on July 1st.

I worked mainly on the new sharing implementation as well as on the sharing implentation of the desktop client.
But aside from that i have also been focusing on cleaning up some technical debt. This includes:

  • PSR-4
  • More testable code paths
  • Less code paths
  • Actually removing deprecated code
  • And more

I’ll continue this here at Nextcloud.
Right now I’m working with @MorrisJobke to get our CI in better shape.

I must say I’m already very impressed with the active community here. And look forward to being a part of that!



Just like the two above me I joined Nextcloud July 1st.

Over the last 6 years I’ve touched most parts of the code base with a focus has been the internal filesystem workings, files_external, various internal libraries and performance for the last few years.

Besides that I’ve been working on some improvements to the files web ui

  • Add “Recent” files listing
  • Better thumbnails in the sidebar
  • Add “Show in folder” link in custom file listings (favorites, recent, etc)

I’m happy to be part of the Nextcloud community and look foreward to making the best cloud possible

  • Icewind

Welcome to the gang, guys! Will be fun :wink:

I’m definitely looking forward to seeing those three features come to NC in the future :slight_smile:

Although as a User rather than as a Developer, yesterday I also joined the owncloud-to-Nextcloud exodus. I’m very happy to be here!