Hundreds of errors in log relating to Tables

I see hundreds of errors in the logs which has been happening over the past few weeks. I upgraded to 29.0.7 from 29.0.4 to see if it would help but it did not.

The error is relaing to Tables and it’s as follows:

Exception OCA\Tables\Service\ColumnTypes\SuperBusiness::isValidDate(): Argument #1 ($dateString) must be of type string, null given, called in /var/www//apps/tables/lib/Service/ColumnTypes/DatetimeDateBusiness.php on line 29 in file ‘/var/www//apps/tables/lib/Service/ColumnTypes/SuperBusiness.php’ line 40

I’m not noticing any adverse effect on functionality or performance. But it’s still not ideal to have so much errors being generated.

The only odd behaviour I may have noticed few times is when trying to work with Table metadata when creating views, and it fails with error.

Appreciate any help.

As a last resort, I may delete the Table app and reenable. Of course I’ll have to recreate the tables (not many). But this is a lazy way of dealing with issues.

I see a single bug report on GitHub that looks like it matches. May be worth popping onto there and seeing if you can reproduce the behavior using the same process as documented there. Then subscribing/upvoting/adding to the discussion if appropriate.

I upgraded to 29.0.7 from 29.0.4 to see if it would help but it did not.

The culprit is likely within the Tables app itself not Server.

Thank you. I’ll take a look