I see hundreds of errors in the logs which has been happening over the past few weeks. I upgraded to 29.0.7 from 29.0.4 to see if it would help but it did not.
The error is relaing to Tables and it’s as follows:
Exception OCA\Tables\Service\ColumnTypes\SuperBusiness::isValidDate(): Argument #1 ($dateString) must be of type string, null given, called in /var/www//apps/tables/lib/Service/ColumnTypes/DatetimeDateBusiness.php on line 29 in file ‘/var/www//apps/tables/lib/Service/ColumnTypes/SuperBusiness.php’ line 40
I’m not noticing any adverse effect on functionality or performance. But it’s still not ideal to have so much errors being generated.
The only odd behaviour I may have noticed few times is when trying to work with Table metadata when creating views, and it fails with error.
Appreciate any help.
As a last resort, I may delete the Table app and reenable. Of course I’ll have to recreate the tables (not many). But this is a lazy way of dealing with issues.