I’ve managed to install and configure a high performance backend for my nextcloud instance.
The connection and video calls worked just fine while testing with a low user count 2-3. However yesterday i’ve testet a video call with 10+ users and the videos where completly out of sync, stuttering or bad quality. Audio was fine.
I’ve invesitgated the logs of “janus” and “signaling” but need some help in understanding the output.
Janus Log Examples
There are a lot of these messages:
Got 3 SRTP/SRTCP errors in the last few seconds (last error: srtp_err_status_replay_fail)
There are some cases where this message appears:
ncvs janus[237088]: [8835335087299120] Creating ICE agent (ICE Full mode, controlling)
ncvs janus[237088]: nice_agent_set_relay_info: assertion 'username' failed
ncvs janus[237088]: [WARN] Could not set TURN server, is the address correct? (
Signaling Log Examples
However there are loads of messages like this:
signaling[403920]: mcu_janus.go:1094: Subscriber *********** (7102076938146570) is reporting 4 lost packets on the uplink (Janus -> client)
Can anyone assist me with this? Are these messages normal or did i misconfigure something?