HowTo TOTP enable and connect with 2FAS Authenticator app

I got TOTP in unison with my 2FAS authenticator (Android) working in this way:

  1. In my server’s terminal I run:
    sudo -u www-data /var/www/nextcloud/occ app:enable twofactor_totp
  2. At my 2FAS Auth app I press the plus sign and scan the QR code provided at: Personal Settings → Security (Enable TOTP).
  3. I test the 2FA functionality by confirming the code given at the 2FAS Auth app.

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By the way, TFAS comes with a very limmited range of options. It only can handle tokens from 6 to 8 digits and only the 30 seconds period. No Icons for the accounts etc. If you want a really good TOTP app for android, I would like to recommend Aegis.

Much and good luck,