HowTo: Sharing video and audio with webapps like H5P an BigBluButton

Sorry guys, I can’t post in the HowTo section. So it would be nice if an admin can move my post in there.

Sharing to webapps

I often like to share media like videos or audio out of Nextcloud in webapps like H5P or BigBlueButton. This is because I don’t have to (sometimes I’m not allowed to) use youtube or vimeo.

That is somewhat strange, because most of the webapps can’t determine the type of media without the suffix e.g. mp3, mp4, webm etc.

So I searched for a workaround. And with nextcloud (and even owncloud) that works with ease. Yesterday I talked at an educational barcamp about that and nobody knows about that possibility. So I decided to share it here.

Let’s take a look at the workflow:

  1. First of all you need a public link without a password:
  2. Then you will add /download#.mp4 to the link
  3. That link you can use in a couple of webapps. Just try it out with that link (not clickable, just paste it in your webapp). You will see our rabbit and just hear some background noise (and one nonsense sentence from me :wink: )
  4. If you like to work with shortlinks even that is possible. Just shorten the public link with /download: and add the #.mp4 to the shortlink before use. Here is an example shortlink of the above video (not clickable, just paste it in your webapp):

If you are German speaking take a look on my blog, I wrote about that in German here and here

Happy sharing!

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This should really be placed in the HowTo section.
Please don’t overflow the support section.

Thank you for your idea.

The ? devide the name of the url from the get-parameter. Perhaps you also use # but it is a client side parameter and the part after # is never send to the webserver.
Please test:

Mostly you do not need /index.php also:
Look my issue.

Great that works (tested it in BigBlueButton and H5P)!
i found a website about the difference: What Every Developer Should Know About URLs - Skorks - its query vs. fragment.

I will change the first post!

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Even though it may not be important. But PasteBin uses the function of # in client-side encryption. The AES-256 password is behind # in the path and never send to the PasteBin server. The password is only send e.g. with email or other communications tools between transmitter and receiver. (demo) (documentation)