Howto: Install Nextcloud Desktop/Client on Raspberry Pi Os (bullseye)

In the Raspberry Pi Os there is a package ‘nextcloud-desktop’ included but unfortunatley it doesn’t work. Also several Tutorials on compling didn’t work for me, but fortunatley it is in the debian repository (also arm architecture). Simple said: we add the debian repository to the Raspberry Pi Os and install it from there.

Quick & Dirty: (Will create signature warnings)
Add following line (as root) to the file: /etc/apt/sorces.list: deb [allow-insecure=yes] bullseye main
In command line: sudo apt update
In command line: sudo apt install -y nextcloud-desktop

More appropriate with key from Debian:
Download Archive signing Key from: Archive Signing Keys
In comand line navigate to the folder where the downloaded file is located and execute: sudo apt-key add (example: sudo apt-key add archive-key-11.asc)

Then Create a new file (e.g. debian.list) in folder (as root): /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
Add following line in your newly created file (e.g. /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list): deb stable main contrib non-free
In command line: sudo apt update
In command line: sudo apt install -y nextcloud-desktop

I hope it helps somebody else.

Best Regards


the debian package sources for nextcloud are not very well.
Just add the official package source and the public key of the nextcloud client to your system update the package sources and install the package.

in case it helps anyone else, i followed this guide to set mine up a couple of weeks ago on a headless Pi4B running bullsye
same guy did a youtube to easily follow

what is the official package source? please elaborate

I just googled for an easy blog to follow along and i found this:
This instructions are for Ubuntu but Ubuntu is based on debian and becaus they use the same packagemanager apt you can just follow the instructions in the link above.

Since this is not ubuntu I tried it that way:

But didn’t work for me, couldn’t resolve some package dependencie problems

Hi @birdynm

That’s why you shouldn’t use PPAs on Debian. PPAs are only be meant to be used on Ubuntu, and even there, they have to support the specific version of Ubuntu you are using them. Maybe the Flatpak or the Snap package is an option for you
 They are self contained containers that come with all the required dependencies already


Install Flatpak and the Flathub Repository:

Install the Nextcloud Desktop Client:


Thank you so much! I have been trying to install the Nextcloud Client on a Raspberry 3 B+ using Debian Bullseye for hours, and this finally worked! Summarized for easier copy & pasting:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

then append this line, then save (Ctrl + X, Y, Enter):

deb [allow-insecure=yes] bullseye main

Then run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nextcloud-desktop

You need to confirm installation and unauthenticated installation with “y” twice.
If this worked, run Nextcloud with:

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Hi @birdynm

Thanks a lot for your post.

When i insert the key from Debian and fill in the file debian.list as described by you i got an error message from the build in update facility of RASPOS64 (someting like release notes missing).

Using the following line in debian.list worked fine for me:

deb http :// stretch stable main contrib non-free

I guess replacing stretch by bullseye will also work (not yet tried; will come back when it’s NOT working :slight_smile: ).

PS. Remove the space after http. Was needed to avoid an autocorrect.

I intend to install the NextCloud desktop client.

Just a quick note: the above mentioned Raspberry Pi Os package ‘nextcloud-desktop’ reported to “not work” seems to be removed, apt search only find 3 other packages:

sudo apt search nextcloud-desktop

nextcloud-desktop-common/stable 3.1.1-2+deb11u1 all
  Nextcloud folder synchronization - common data

nextcloud-desktop-doc/stable 3.1.1-2+deb11u1 all
  Nextcloud folder synchronization - documentation

nextcloud-desktop-l10n/stable 3.1.1-2+deb11u1 all
  Nextcloud folder synchronization - localization

I will proceed with the Debian repository and post again.

Adding keys with apt-key has been deprecated, and would lead to warnings and the failure of apt update.

Instead I used various sources for the following procedure:

  1. Get the armored Debian Bullseyes key and give it an explicit name

curl -o debian-archive-key-11.asc

  1. Dearmor the key

gpg --dearmor debian-archive-key-11.asc

  1. Remove the armored key

rm debian-archive-key-11.asc

  1. Move the key into the keyrings directory

sudo mv debian-archive-key-11.asc.gpg /usr/share/keyrings

  1. Add the Debian repository to the Raspberry Pi by editing /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-key-11.asc.gpg] stable main contrib non-free
  1. Update repositories

sudo apt update

Because the Raspberry Pi OS and the Debian repositories differ, a large number of packages that can be upgraded.

I assume that I could install just nextcloud-desktop and remove the Debian repository, but this would become unsustainable and unpractical for the majority of Raspberry Pi users who want to install NextCloud.

How can I contact the Raspberry Pi OS NextCloud maintainer or become one?

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Thanks for this hack. I just found out that the old Owncloud desktop client does not install on bullseye but this hack gives me the real Nextcloud-desktop client.

I installed the client and then went back into the debian.list file and commented out the line. I can use it again when I need to update the client.

thank you for the tutorial, it helped me to use the right certificates!

I wouldn’t advice though to use a generic label such as “debian stable”, because the installed system on the raspberry pi could not necessary match the one for debian stable. For example bookworms is not installable from upgrade on my system, and I’ve installed bullseye instead (after upgrading from buster). If I use “debian stable” (which is bookworms), I’ll break my system.

so I’ve put instead:

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-key-11.asc.gpg] bullseye main contrib non-free

in the
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list file

Thank you so much, I just did it and it worked perfectly !
You saved me so much time, I was struggling since hours.

NB: here is a link I used to install debian on my rpi : How to Install Debian 12 Bookworm on Raspberry Pi (2024 update) – RaspberryTips

Best regards

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