How to use files:transfer-ownership command using users that has space on it

I’m trying to have ownership from all user shares to mine (Admin).

But I realized some users have space in their usernames. That way, I’m not able to transfer via SSH, I need to escape the spaces, otherwise I get messages like:

Too many arguments, expected arguments "command" "source-user" "destination-user".

I tried:

sudo -u web-user path/to/php path/to/occ files:transfer-ownership User with space Admin
sudo -u web-user “path/to/php” “path/to/occ” files:transfer-ownership “User with space” Admin
sudo -u web-user “path/to/php” “path/to/occ” files:transfer-ownership User\ with\ space Admin
sudo -u web-user path/to/php path/to/occ files:transfer-ownership “User\ with\ space” Admin

None of them seem to work. Any idea?