How to search for an App?

How do I search for an App within Nextcloud?

I want to search for an App in all categories.

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It’s quite remarkable, that this most fundamental functionality either does not exist or is not accessible in an intuitive way.

What is the purpose of the Apps view in Nextcloud (aside from administrating already installed apps) ?

To install an app.

Usually it’s not some random app you’d like to discover, it is most likely an app you know by it’s name. So the single most important feature is to enter the name of the app to find it and to install it.

But no, you need to go through all the sections and read through the apps.

The Apps view in Nextcloud would be far more useful if you’d remove everything and only provide a search prompt.

Sorry for the rant, but think about it.

For me, Nextcloud’s search function finds every app I search for, regardless of the category selected in the sidebar.

Here is an example search for Solitaire while I am in the Files category…

…and no, the app wasn’t already installed and it is not listed in the Files category either. :wink:

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Thanks, i will try the general search outside of the apps view.