How to rerun post upgrade migration steps (uprade from 24 to 25)

Hi, I am new to NC and just finished my first major version upgrade from 24 to 25 today. The upgrade was performed via web /setting/admin/updater page, all the major upgrade steps were proceeded except the last step, where it asked me to run ‘php occ update’ equivalent from within the updater web page.

I think the last step failed during certain extension update, since it timed out on fetching new version tar.gz file from app store. In the end, my NC instance stayed on the maintenance mode forever.

I’ve tried the following ‘fixes’:

  1. Re-ran ‘php occ update’ to catch up missing post update steps. One extension was upgraded.
  2. Brought instance back to normal state (maintenance=off).
  3. /settings/admin/overview reported missing indicies and I fixed it.

However I think things are still wrong somewhere. No obivious errors in updater.log / nextcloud.log, I noticed:

  1. /settings/admin/logging page is empty
  2. My user icon looks incorrect.

Now my questions are:

  1. Any way to confirm all the post update commands are executed ?
  2. Assuming certain commands failed during my initial run, any way to re-run them manually ?
  3. Is that possible to restore /www/nextcloud folder from previous backup and re-run update again (to fix everything essentially from database) ?

My system info:

  • NC version: from
  • OS version: debian OMV7 via docker, NC image from linuxserver/nextcloud/latest

Appreciate your help.

  • Dongxu

Hi @dxma welcome to the forum :handshake:

very happy to see new users posting qualified questions with lot of things already sorted out. In general upgrading applications is not intended for containers, the philosophy of Docker is rather to throw away old container and replace by new version…

I remember sometimes linuxserver team does special things - e.g. application upgrades within containers. Unfortunately I’m not familiar with linuxserver docker image - I would recommend to ask there.

Thank you for replying me so quickly.
Then I guess my upgrade is successful (after the indicies fix).

In fact with the docker approach both nextcloud and database data are stored outside container on the hosting server:

  1. nextcloud: everything under www/nextcloud, together with its own config.
  2. database: all the created tables under the nextcloud schema namespace.
    This is done via a standalone docker volume persist option: volume mount.

The upgrade on nextcloud will apply changes on all the persistent data, the container itself only offers php runtimes (required libraries/extentions) and some other useful libraries for nextcloud (for instance ffmpeg and imagemagic).

I will monitor the system for a few days and see what will happen, then report back in case there is indeed problem.


  • Dongxu
1 Like

BTW, the error I got under /setting/admin/logging page:

react-dom.production.min.js:216 Error: Minified React error #188; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
at t.findDOMNode (react-dom.production.min.js:289:284)
at t.transition (CSSTransitionGroupChild.js:129:30)
at r.componentWillEnter (CSSTransitionGroupChild.js:97:15)
at s.performEnter (TransitionGroup.js:83:19)
at TransitionGroup.js:192:21
at Array.forEach ()
at t.componentDidUpdate (TransitionGroup.js:191:17)
at po (react-dom.production.min.js:219:502)
at El (react-dom.production.min.js:259:160)

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I’m having the same issue right now, did you figure anything out, yet?

Similar situation here. updated this morning. Any thoughts?

I fixed it, Lucky for me I had a backup of the DB from before the update (not the files)

I created a new nextcloud instance, and I did the following:

  1. Install the nextcloud clean (previous version, 24.0.6)
  2. Copy all the files (folder data) from the correct nextcloud instance
  3. Cleanup database, and restore the backup DB
  4. Disable & reinstall of all apps (as were detected as installed, but they weren’t installed) such as calendar, agenda, etc.
  5. Upgrade smothly to 24.0.9 (with changing the docker image)
  6. Upgrade to 25.0.3 Correctly
  7. Switch files and db in the final instance

Now my nextcloud is on 25.0.3 with the correct version. And no problems.

Will be amaizing that nextcloud can detect the old version is not compatible with the new one, and don’t do anything.

P.D.: everything was done using docker and docker-compose.