How to remove the "Reasons to use Nextcloud in your organization"

When I deleted, it went into internal server error mode (I cannot run any root commands as on shared hosting). So, I made the file

to make that section blank. Will have to do with every update, I presume. But okay till I do not have to face the stuff. Thanks for this guide mate. :slight_smile:

this didn’t do anything for me (nc 24)
the ad is still displayed in user profil …

i’ve opened apps/settings/css/settings.scss and added ‘display: none;’

// Button for ‘Reasons to use Nextcloud in your organization’
.development-notice {
text-align: left;
display: none;

it works for me, no need of custom css

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Here are my 2 cents for NC version 24

Go into your installation directory example here /var/www/nextcloud

cd themes
cp -r example custom_name
echo “#open-reasons-use-nextcloud-pdf { display: none; }” |sudo tee -a custom_name/core/css/server.css
nano custom_name/defaults.php

Name your cloud instance in the last file. defaults.php

Add ‘theme’ => ‘custom_name’, to your config.php

keep a backup of this folder custom_name.

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im new please… where does this go…


was there an update for


why? have you had the ad back?

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All good so far thank you!

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Really, this is a total nuissance.
Every update (even minor ones) this "“£$%^£$^%” is back
Granted, it’s doesn’t take a lot to remove it but it is VERY annoying, particularly for a company that claims to respect privacy.
What I am referring to, is this “in your face” advertising.
I have no problem with promoting and advertising nextcloud, but it has to be done in the right manner.

I also find it a pity that whenever it comes to advertising or messages regarding Nextcloud Enterprise, that there are no proper configuration options. I expect better configuration options from an AGPL software. Another very bad example regarding the user experience is this thread. Nextcloud GmbH does not want to change it at all. And it just looks like shit see this example: (screenshot). No wonder all users find Microsoft 365 more stylish. In Microsoft are no warnings about possible functional limitations at login. Furthermore, Microsoft would not list this kind of warning directly on the application in a visually unappealing way, but perhaps very discreetly at the bottom or in the settings. As an unknowing user i would be afraid to continue using the Nextcloud instance. Using Nextcloud with more than 500 users is perfectly legal. But in any case, as a user or operator, I would get upset about it every time I log in. The design is bad. Where is the design team to change it?

While I wouldn’t have described it quite so harshly, I very much agree with you.
I really like nextcloud, and I use it extensively (I avoid google, MS, and amazone, wherever I can.
One big flaw in nextcloud is:
to much nerd (and management), too little user…
Don’t get me wrong, being a techi, I like nerd and can handle it quite well, but the users struggle with too much nerdy input.
In order to really get some decent usability input, you have to test with users, who have no clue. As well as documenting the responses from those users.
Only then can you get a truly intuitive user interface.

Seriously? Assuming you’re talking about this…

Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-07-18 11-23-37

What’s so bad about it? It only shows up on the user settings page. How often are you on that page during daily use? I mean, it’s not like it’s displayed anywhere where you do actual work. Ok, they could move it to a separate “About” tab, but otherwise this is no worse than any other about section, which is usually integrated somewhere in every software product.

That’s a hole other topic, which I won’t discuss today. :wink: Only that much, unlike with the actual topic of this thread, which I consider a non-issue, I’m a bit more conflicted with the user limit, and how they implemented it.

You are right, of course. I also just wanted to remind you, because nothing happened.

And that’s exactly why I would be happy if some things were designed a little nicer.

Back to the orginal problem:

Maybe the blue button with “Gründe für die Verwendung von Nextcloud in deiner Organisation” can better be a small link. It seems a little bit like advertising for Nextcloud. I have no problems with that. But a normal logo or text would probably be more appropriate. it has already been asked several times whether this cannot be changed. Maybe here can be the link to Nextcloud Fair Use Policy and NGO program. Who clicks on the current link, probably learns nothing new. https://cloud.server.tld/settings/download/reasons

Yeah sure, it isn’t beautiful from a design standpoint. But on the other hand it’s on a page where you don’t have anything to do on a daily basis, and I also find it perfectly legitimate that they advertise the services of their company at one place in the product. I mean it’s not like there is a banner on every page or a nag screen after login every one and so often, like with “Freemium” products from many commercial vendors, or with the Collabora CODE Docker container. :wink:

That should not be a reason to improve an AGPL software a little bit. Enough programmers will exist. Also certainly takes less than an hour.

Yes it is ok. But i think the button and text can be improved.

You can configure the Nextcloud footer and that is very nice. The problem on the login page see my other problem can not change, I also find much worse. Not only that it is really ugly. I think most users won’t even understand the issue. Maybe you can also add a link on the login page above username/password to Push notifications - Nextcloud Fair Use Policy and NGO program. So that the user understands why the message appears in the first place.

“Diese Community-Version von Nextcloud wird nicht unterstützt und (Push-)Benachrichtigungen sind nur begrenzt verfügbar.”

Yeah, but as I said, this is another, and more complicated topic, imho.

One could also argue, that you just shouldn’t use Nextcloud without subscription for more than 500 users. I think this specific warning on the log-in page is indended to hurt, at least a little. Whether this is the right way to convince more companies to pay for Nextcloud Enterprise, is certainly questionable, and I honestly have my doubts, that this is the right way to do it.

Yes. I understand that and i also understand Nextcloud GmbH. But I don’t understand why you have to present the message to the end user before login. In my opinion, this is only done to spoil the operator and the users of Nextcloud, which is free according to AGPL, with more than 500 users. The fact that Nextcloud GmbH provides an infrastructure for push notifications and also apps and normally earns money with larger installations, I find perfectly fine. However, I do not find it okay how this is presented to the end user.

What about providers such as or their instance Are they the bad guys from Nextcloud GmbH’s point of view, since they do not license many users with 8 GB of storage, especially those who are free? Maybe someone can write something about this.

I think Tab.Digital doesn’t have to and doesn’t want to point out the limitations of Nextcloud to users before they log in. Tab.Digital can do that much better in other places. As a Tab.Digital, I would probably rewrite the login page and discreetly move the message to the footer.

Yeah, I tend to agree with you on this one.

Although I do think that large companies with more than 500 employees, and also service providers like should pay for Nextcloud if they are using it commercially, I don’t think that such a message belongs on the login screen. And I think it could even have the opposite effect in many cases, as what Nextcloud GmbH wants to achieve with it, meaning it could also turn potential customers away from Nextcloud, instead of convincing them to get a subscription. But I am not a marketing professional, and this is just how I feel about this.

Anyways, home users and smaller SMBs are not affected by this, except maybe service providers like, which do also offer free hosting. However, they might have to rethink their business model, or fork NC and patch this stuff out. I mean at the end of the day, it’s not the responsibility of the Nextcloud GmbH whether the business model of a company that uses Nextcloud is sustainable or not. :wink:

But again, I agree with you, that this should be handled in a better and more elegant way.

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Thanks. I comment my other thread and either it will be changed or it won’t. As written I have no problem with the procedure, but only with the text on the login page.