How to remove help section from the menu -Nextcloud

Hello, im experiencing some issues with my nextcloud server. Yesterday evening everythink was working as it should, but today morning after opening my nextcloud server there was following error:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the webserver log.

I mean i dont know what information i cloud give you, but im running teh website on my hosting prividers site. There is php 7.3 and cloudflare activated.

Please inform me if you need any other informations and where i can get these.

Can you give us the log of apache?

the problem is solved. There was a problem in nextcloud - config - config.php

I was trying to remove the help section from the menu and i’ ve set the config/config.php. knowledgebaseenabled parameter to true,

I got the information from this link:

I removed the code and now the site is working. But right now there is teh problem that the help menu is still there.

Do you know how to remove the help section on teh top right (click profil) ?

Thank you very much for your help!

I have the same issue with version 19.0.5. Even after adding the following line to config/config.php
'knowledgebaseenabled' => 'true',

Does not work, even after a reboot.
How do I remove the Help menu?


Found a simple solution with Custom CSS:

li a[href="/settings/help"] {
	display: none !important;

'knowledgebaseenabled' => false,

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