How to remove contacts from system address book?

Greetings to all. After we set up LDAP integration on our NC 27.0.0 server, we found over 3,000 contacts in the system address book.

This didn’t bother us until we needed to switch to Keycloak OIDC.
We have currently updated the server to NC 27.1.4 with all application updates and we have disabled LDAP integration.

Since then, such a large number of contacts is unnecessary and hinders us. We would like to get rid of this list, but unfortunately we have not found a way to do this. The system address book cannot be deleted, and the contacts that are in it cannot be deleted.

How to clear the system address book? Thanks to everyone who responds.

We also tried disabling the display of this address book by running the command sudo -u www-data php occ config:app:set dav system_addressbook_exposed --value="no". This did not help us hide the address book as if nothing had happened.


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hi @bmday welcome to the forum :handshake:

Please use the search - lot of issues have been discussed already

I think there is an occ command to refresh/recreate the system address book - likely this will wipe out LDAP users the system doesn’t know anymore (maybe you have to clean up the user list first)…

Hi There,

I was searching this forum for the same answer. Unfortunately I didn’t found an answer.

The manual states this

Not all contacts will be editable for you. The system address book does not allow you to modify someone elses data, only your own. Your own data can also be modified in the user settings.

Like in many manuals a lot of trivial info is present - how to change contact picture- however info regarding the main operation is lacking here.
How to delete or merge accounts for example.

Indeed lots of issues are being discussed in the forum. I hope that somebody chimes in with an answer to the first poster.

@wwe I need this too. did you find an occ command to refresh/recreate the system address book?

found it, it is the remove remnants command followed by delete using the nextcloud username. see LDAP user cleanup at LDAP user cleanup — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation