How to manually tag images?

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The issue you are facing:

I can’t manually add tags to images.

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): N

Steps to replicate it:

  1. Click an image
  2. look for anywhere to add tags …

screenshot: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

(note: I tried directly uploading the image here several times but after it’s progress gets to 100%, theres a long pause, and then a dialog saying there was an issue uploading the image.)

I have searched here and google and some old posts seem to suggest that there should be an ellipse or similar in the Info bar that I should be able to click to add tags, but as the screenshot shows, there’s nothing there.


I have also looked in the NC apps lists for a tagging app, but the best I could find was the workflows automatic tagging; I want to be able to manually enter tags.

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Just tried it myself on NC 24, it’s still an issue. I was convinced that it must be possible. There is even a feature request for that:


I’m fighting with this as well. Latest Photos 2 and there is no way to add tags in the side bar or any other way that I can see. I can only do it by going into files.
Photos 2:


It would be nice to at least be able to add tags directly in photos and not have to click the ellipses each time (like in Files) to access these.
Even better it would be nice to be able to edit metadata in both Files and Photos and then use the Metadata as a search/filter.
I have thousands of scanned, family photos that I would like help with naming, categorization etc. I was hoping that by sharing them on NextCloud I could share the work load. As it stands now, it appears that I am left having to do this for each photo myself by editing the metadata directly on the originals?