Hello, thank you for the news application which is very interesting. Unfortunately, each time I start my computer, in order to access it I have to :
Open my browser (Firefox)
Click on my “Nextcloud self-hosted server URL” bookmark
Enter my username
Enter my password
Click on the 3-dot icon near the apps (the ... icon)
Choose “News”
Once in a while, it’s okay. But since I use RSS feeds all the time, it’s very unpleasant. There is clearly a missing client for Linux (or even Windows/Mac OS for those who use them). Regarding Linix RSS clients compatible with Nextcloud News :
I tried Feedreader: no “web view” display (most articles are truncated)
I tried RSS Guard: crash, very unstable, and if it lists the feeds, it doesn’t load any news.
I tried other RSS clients, without success: no one is intuitive or stable.
So, here are my questions:
Is there a trick to open Nextcloud News app more easily (quickly)?
Thank you for your detailed response. Unfortunately, it does not answer either of my two questions. I don’t know who could have put that answer as a solution.
If I take up your question again, it remains as a Linux client:
Nextcloud News can be synced with the following apps:
RSS Guard (Windows, Linux, OS/2, Mac OS), open source
FeedReader (Linux desktop), open source
And as I said :
I tried Feedreader: no “web view” display (most articles are truncated)
I tried RSS Guard: crash, very unstable, and if it lists the feeds, it doesn’t load any news.
I tried other RSS clients, without success: no one is intuitive or stable.
“Other RSS”, as RSSOwl (which is not open source) for instance.
So again, please find my two questions as the original post :
So, here are my questions:
Is there a trick to open Nextcloud News app more easily (quickly)?
Install apporder from the store. Browse to https://example.com/apps/apporder/ and make News your primary app. It will auto-start every time you open Nextcloud.
Bookmark with title RSS or browse directly to https://example.com/apps/news/
Read the FAQ on the project page. Maybe your configuration is wonky.
You can set News to pull in new feeds on a schedule, or cron timer. See this companion app as a docker image or as a standalone python app.
Fastest webui method is already have all feeds updated on a timer while you were sleeping, etc. + browser directly to the app via url.
Not from the webui, which you just browse to. For notifications you’ll need to use a desktop or mobile app, which can be configured to send you notifications. There are a lot of options, so it is really up to you.
@anon75456558 & @rakekniven : this is not as good as a desktop client, but you both have answered my questions and find a solution (if I could, I would tick both your answer as the solution).
I hope one day, GNOME account manager will be able to integrate Nextcloud News on the DE to make it smoother. Or that Feeds client will allow sync for Nextcloud News.
If all you want a simple html serving of your most recent feeds: rawdog is the answer.
If all you want is the best RSS app on Linux and can handle the flexibility of the command line, try Newsboat. It could even be scripted to serve your recent nextcloud news items as html.
If your really want that, you should file a feature request with the Gnome devs on gitlab.
Perhaps it’s possible in the same way as Nextcloud Notes has just been added to the GOA (gnome online accounts) in yesterdays release of Gnome 3.37.1: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/devel-announce-list/2020-April/msg00005.html
In FeedReader do you manage to read your feeds separately by folders? I can only see my feeds in the “All articles” counter (I see all the folders and “channels” inside, but non of them display anything there).
Well, I am the author of RSS Guard. Perhaps you can try newest version and if something goes wrong, then report bug ticket? How should I fix the bugs I do not even know about if user does not report?