[How-To] import your boards from Trello to Deck

Hello everyone :wave:

Those of you who use Trello may have noticed: new restrictions are coming. The free ride is over (!).


At the MailTape collective, we’ve been thinking for a while that we needed to move our Trello board to the Deck app on our Nextcloud. Since there was no choice now… I took the plunge!

And not finding a tutorial, I had to figure it out quite a bit. You have to go through SSH and use Nextcloud’s occ commands directly. So, I took notes as I went along with my research and here’s a tutorial so you don’t have to go through all that again.

It’s not that complicated, and I hope with this tutorial you’ll manage to smoothly move to Deck. :tada:


We assume you have the latest version installed. As I’m writing this tutorial, I’m running Nextcloud 28.0.4 and Deck 1.12.2. Also note this tutorial has been made on a Yunohost instance. Original tutorial is in French and can be found here.

Connect via SSH with an admin account to your instance

Switch to root
sudo -su

Then go to the Nextcloud directory
cd /var/www/nextcloud

Next, test that the OCC command works fine:
sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ -V

The installed version of Nextcloud should be displayed. We’re ready.

Then, refer to the Deck documentation here: User documentation - Nextcloud Deck

We can already see if Deck responds well, along with its import script.
sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ deck:import -h

It should display the command’s help.

Next, Create a powerup on Trello and generate an API key.

You will then need to obtain an authentication token. Note, this is not the “secret”. You need to click on the “token” link in the instructions next to the API key. (see this video if needed)

From your SSH command on the server, send this request to obtain a JSON (table) listing all Trello boards your account is part of with their corresponding IDs:

curl --request GET
--url 'https://api.trello.com/1/members/{username}/boards?key={APIkey}&token={token}&fields=id,name'
--header 'Accept: application/json'

Replacing {username} with your Trello login, {APIkey} with the generated API key, and {token} with the token.


curl --request GET
--url 'https://api.trello.com/1/members/imacrea/boards?key=7a9743b79cf9eecd1dbfbfddddd&token=Adddddd8ed305abe1a82fa7f7e2cd16585ca46ec7902c041e16ea820915c45b4f2f72D77306FE&fields=id,name'
--header 'Accept: application/json'

:warning: This command is for retrieving the ID of a board you created with a personal account. To retrieve a board from an organization, use the following command:

curl --request GET
--url 'https://api.trello.com/1/members/{orgID}/boards?key={APIkey}&token={token}&fields=id,name'
--header 'Accept: application/json'

Where orgID is your organization name as it appears in the URL when you view the org page. For example, for https://trello.com/w/mailtape it would be mailtape

curl --request GET
--url 'https://api.trello.com/1/organizations/mailtape/boards?key=7a9743b79cf9eecd1dbdfdffbf73d26799da&token=ATTA998ed305abffffdfe1a82fa7f7e2cd16585ca46ec7902c041e16ea820915c45b4f2f72D77dfdf306FE&fields=id,name'
--header 'Accept: application/json'

Now that you have retrieved the ID of the board you want to import into Deck. You need to create a config.json file based on this schema.


"owner": "imacrea",
"color": "0800fd",
"api": {
"key": "7a9743b79cf9eecd1dbfdfdbf73d26799da",
"token": "ATTA998ed305abe1a82fa7f7e2cd16585cadfdf46ec7902c041e16ea820915c45b4f2f72D77306FE"
"board": "5022de990357dff867dfd09bbad",
"uidRelation": {
"username_sur_trello": "username_sur_nextcloud",
"george12": "george"
  • owner is the Nextcloud account username that will own the imported board.
  • color is the board’s color, don’t bother with that: we can change it in the Deck interface.
  • key your API key (see above)
  • token your token (see above)
  • board the ID of your board on Trello, retrieved with the previous command
  • uidRelation here you need to make a correspondence table between the usernames of people who are board members on Trello and their username on Nextcloud. In the example, the user “george12” is their Trello login, and “george” is their Nextcloud login.

It’s easier to prepare the contents of this file in a text editor locally, then copy the whole thing.

In the directory where we were (/var/www/nextcloud), create a json file where we will paste our config:

sudo -u nextcloud touch myBoard.json

Then open it with vim to edit

sudo -u nextcloud vi myBoard.json

Once the file is ready, we can launch the import command (and keep our fingers crossed!)

sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ deck:import --system=TrelloApi --config=./myBoard.json

But there will probably be an error (unless your read this in a future where this issue has been fixed). If there’s an error, you’ll need to correct two lines of code in the importer script. Fortunately, the resolution is explained in this ticket.

Once the file is corrected, we rerun the script. And that’s it!

Once the import is done, be patient on the Nextcloud side depending on the size of the imported board. The board may then take several minutes to rebuild correctly. Of course, this setup time also depends on the power of your server.

And bye bye Trello! :tada:

Hope it helps :hugs:

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For the occ command, if you are on a debian/ubuntu-based system

sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ -V

would translate into (and the apc.enable_cli = 1 is put into the php.ini):

sudo -u www-data php occ -V

Oh yes, that should be fixed. This way it is tested, and automatically distributed, much better than everybody starting to fiddle around manually in the code…

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Thanks. I had done this a while ago, and should have provided my notes on it.

A couple other notes:

  1. I find the import needs to have the exact names in the name table. Not too many and not too few. I think I needed to customize for each board.
  2. While I was debugging some of the above items (e.g. the UID issue? or was it something else?), I was actually importing a lot of copies of the board. The board was quite long, and took me a while to remove all of them.
  3. The board is kind of slow. Maybe that’s because of how many cards there are. Or maybe it has to do with all the not-quite-good imports I did. I don’t know, but I think newer boards are faster than the big board I imported. It’s especially problematic accessing the cards over wifi. The cards don’t open very quickly.
  4. The attachments from the Trello cards are just linked to Trello, so the cards aren’t 100% migrated.

However, I have some people at my organization who are now using Deck instead of Trello. So far the comments are:

  1. Slow (as I described)
  2. Can’t use markup for comments. In fact, no or little formatting, as the lines just run together.
  3. I think they asked about @-references. Not sure if that works or not.

Thanks to everyone for developing and supporting this app!

Hey there,


I imported 4 boards from Trello to Nextcloud.

My results:

  1. It seems slow for now, but we did not work on it so far, so maybe needs some caching and real work instead of just testing and giving up.
  2. Attachments have links, references to Trello, I downloaded all attachments zipped with Trello Power-Up FileManager and copy pasted the list that was shown by FileManager
  3. Comments from Trello with more than 1000 characters have been migrated to markdown (.md) files and a link to… has been set.


  1. Is ok, better slow than Atlassian :slight_smile:
  2. How to use the attachment CSV list from Trello FileManager and the zipped attachments to change the https://trello.com/… references to https://example.com/nextcloud/… references? Did someone write already some code for that? Where to store the downloaded attachements for deck?
  3. How to change the 1000+ character long comment md urls/references from… references to https://example.com/nextcloud/… references?

I will look here on 1st of October if question 1 is answered.
In the thirteenth month I will check if the deck importer is integrated and until then I keep trello up and running, does only cost atlassians energy.