How to import favorites into Nextcloud Maps?

This question sounds dumb to me, because it seems I should have found information about this anywhere, but I was unable to.
I want to import some OsmAnd favorites (stored in a gpx file) into Nextcloud maps.
But searching all over the internet I couldn’t find the option I have to choose to import data into Maps.
I can’t see any button like “import”, neither in the main Maps menu nor in the “My Favorites” sub menu.
I’ve read about this feature in many places, but I still can’t find it.
Did I search in the wrong place?
Thanks in advance

Nextcloud 26.0.4
Maps 1.1.0

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I had the same problem and searched an answer for this “dumb question”.
Now i found the solution by my self:

  1. Put your *.gpx file to NC (in folder /maps for example)
  2. Login to NC
  3. Go to files and brows to your *.gpx
  4. Press the 3-Dots on the right side of the file.
    Now you can choose some import functions.

I don’t know why, but it looks like the import option is gone. Maybe with an update i don’t know. Can someone confirm?

Are there any news? I have also no option to import .kml or .gpx files. The files are shown as “geo data” in the files section but I am unable to import them.