How to get older Nextcloudpi images

I have an odroid HC2 and need to install a new image on a SD card. Problem is that I do not manage to login to my server. I tried flashing


(those are the only images for the HC2 on github) but for both I get only

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the server log.

I also did not manage to get ssh access by putting a file names ssh into /boot. Is there another way to get into my server?
The webUI did not work as well.

Or, can I download older images for odroid HC2 somewhere?

Update: I had no success with getting an older NextcloudPi image.

What I did instead:

  • I got a raspian image, specifically Armbian_21.08.3_Odroidxu4_bullseye_current_5.4.151.img.xz which is indeed compatible with the Odroid HC2 (and HC1)
  • Flashing onto SD card
  • SSH works! Just ssh root@<your servers ip> with password 1234
  • Install nextcloudpi with their installer script like so
curl -sSL | sudo bash

see for details