I’m developing a CRM app, it’s already creating entities, saving them to the database and all, but I could not find a way to send a file from Vue 2 front-end, receive it in back-end controller and upload to Files / folder in Files.
I’d like to know if there’s any documentation or tutorial for this, or if anyone can help.
I’m using @nextcloud/axios. I checked the IRequest doc you sent, that’s for accessing the file right? What about handling the upload / uploading the file to Files?
Forgive this slightly-off-topic question, but CRMs are an interest of mine and generally quite ambitious undertakings, so I’m curious: what compelled you to build your own rather than modify a FOSS package like SuiteCRM?
Between SuiteCRM and Nextcloud I find nearly everything I need to run my shop, but integration is minimal so if there’s a better or leaner way I’m keen to learn.
We have a very specific flow and fields for our entities (Customer, Contact…), so I developed a tailored solution (custom CRM app) which I found to be easier than modifying something like SuiteCRM.
I’ve used the IRequest interface (thanks @christianlupus) to print_r the file in the controller, it’s working fine, but what interface / class / method should I use to move the uploaded temp file to a folder in Files or even the Root folder of Files?
I would use the Nextcloud API (see Nextcloud PHP API (master)). You will have to copy the content manually, I suspect. That way, they are registered in the core already.
I just checked in the source code. Obviously, you can use $request->put (or whatever verb you use in the request) to request the file content once. You have to store/stream directly.
You can of course also read the content (e.g. using file_get_content), store it in a NC file, and remove the uploaded file (unlink).
I recently cameback to this feature and got it working. Thanks @christianlupus, the IRequest hint guided me to the right path!
I took a different approach, instead of making the file available through the Files app, I uploaded to IAppData directory.
For others interested, I basically used IRequest and getUploadedFile method inside the upload controller method.
The controller sends given file to service, which uses \OCP\Files\IAppData to locate or create a given folder (“customer-attachments” in my case).
Using $folder->newFile('filename...'), $uploadedContent = fopen('tmp_name_goes_here', 'rb') and $file->putContent($uploadedContent) I was able to write the file to NC data directory.
I used the FileService from Deck app as a base to write my own (link here).
If anyone needs more details or help, feel free to contact me!