How to extend the core routes?

Is it possible to extend the routes of the core in the app routes.php file?
So that the route is not “domain/apps/appname/route”.
The route should be “domain/route”

It is very dangerous and fragile to do this.
It also limits you in the development of your app quite a bit.
So unless really necessary, try to avoid it.

What would you need it for?

I’ve tried to implement a Controller that extends the AuthPublicShareController.
The getRoutes function of the AuthPublicShareController returns as route:

    $app = strtolower($this->appName);
    $class = strtolower((new \ReflectionClass($this))->getShortName());

	return $app . '.' . $class . '.' . $function;

So the route is with the name of the class with the word controller.
I’ve only made it running when I extended the core/routes.php in this file its possible to declare the route with the word ‘controller’ at the end.
In the app routes.php I didn’t find a way to declare the routes with the word ‘controller’ at the end.

You should define your routes in your own app, similar to this:

I’ve already defined that way, but if I do that an Exception is thrown:
Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException : Unable to generate a URL for the named route “<my_namespace.authsecretsharecontroller.showAuthenticate” as such route does not exist.
Because the AuthPublicShareController returns the class name.
The right route that should be returned from the function should be:
or did I configure something wrong?

The code above is a working example. In your apps own appinfo/routes.php you don’t define a namespace nor mention the word controller. That is all down automatically afterswards

I know my code looks like this:

return [
'routes' => [
    ['name' => 'page#index', 'url' => '/', 'verb' => 'GET'],
    ['name' => 'auth_secret_share#showShare', 'url' => '/secret/{token}', 'verb' => 'GET'],
    ['name' => 'auth_secret_share#showAuthenticate', 'url' => '/secret/{token}/authenticate/{redirect}', 'verb' => 'GET'],
    ['name' => 'auth_secret_share#authenticate', 'url' => '/secret/{token}/authenticate/{redirect}', 'verb' => 'POST'],


class AuthSecretShareController extends AuthPublicShareController{

public function __construct(string $appName, IRequest $request, ISession $session, IURLGenerator $urlGenerator, Defaults $defaults, SecretMapper $mapper)
    parent::__construct($appName, $request, $session, $urlGenerator);
    $this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator;
    $this->defaults = $defaults;
    $this->secret = new Secret();
    $this->mapper = $mapper;

 * @inheritDoc
protected function verifyPassword(string $password): bool
    return $password == '123';// TODO: Implement verifyPassword() method.

 * @PublicPage
 * @NoCSRFRequired
 * Show the authentication page
 * The form has to submit to the authenticate method route
public function showAuthenticate(): TemplateResponse {

 * @inheritDoc
 * @NoCSRFRequired
 * @PublicPage
public function showShare(): \OCP\AppFramework\Http\TemplateResponse
    // TODO: Implement showShare() method.
    return new \OCP\AppFramework\Http\TemplateResponse('wcoOneTimeSecret', 'secret/show', ['share' => $this->secret], 'guest');
 * @inheritDoc
protected function getPasswordHash(): string
    return md5(123);
    // TODO: Implement getPasswordHash() method.

 * @inheritDoc
public function isValidToken(): bool
   return true;
    // TODO: Implement isValidToken() method.

 * @inheritDoc
 * @NoCSRFRequired
protected function isPasswordProtected(): bool
    return true;
    // TODO: Implement isPasswordProtected() method.


The other controller I implemented works totally fine but I have just trouble to implement one that extends the AuthPublicShareController.

If I change this function that the variable $class is ‘auth_secret_share’ it’s working:

But if it’s not modified it loggs an error that the route was not found.

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