I know it is not safe but could someone let me know how to disable file name restrictions for syncing?
I know how to do it client side but not sure what to do server side.
I really need to sync my .htaccess files
thanks a million in advance
My config:
Apache 2.4.x
July 28, 2018, 6:10pm
There is one reference in the code for that (perhaps other as well):
* Return this classes capabilities
* @return array
public function getCapabilities() {
return [
'files' => [
'bigfilechunking' => true,
'blacklisted_files' => $this->config->getSystemValue('blacklisted_files', ['.htaccess']),
Make sure that you don’t let apache override its configuration within your data subfolders (the data folder itself is protected by a .htaccess, you could put this protection in your apache config directly and turning AllowOverride to None.
sudo grep -r ‘blacklisted_files’ /var/www/nextcloud
/var/www/nextcloud/apps/files/lib/Capabilities.php: ‘blacklisted_files’ => $this->config->getSystemValue(‘blacklisted_files’, [’.htaccess’]),
/var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Files/Filesystem.php: $blacklist = \OC::$server->getConfig()->getSystemValue(‘blacklisted_files’, array(’.htaccess’));
/var/www/nextcloud/config/config.sample.php:‘blacklisted_files’ => array(’.htaccess’),
I replaced all occurences in those files from ‘.htaccess’ to ‘.htaccessBAK’. lets see, now I need to enable the client
I needed the answer too. Thanks for reply.
looks like it is working; still not working on symbolic links; anyone has any idea for those ?