how do I delete the “accounts” address book on NC 27.0.2? Nobody wants that… I have 2 addressbooks in it “contacts” & “accounts”. Clicking on delete in the addressbook sections does not have any effect. Addressbook can not be deleted.
they give the command: occ config:app:set dav system_addressbook_exposed --value="no" in order to disable access of users to address book of the system which contains all users of nextcloud instance.
I did run the occ command but didn’t work, still see all Nextcloud’s accounts with a normal user…
I just tried it on my test instance, and it works with version 27.1.0 RC2, but didn’t work with RC1.
To me this looks like the feature has been merged very recently, and therfore it isn’t in 27.0.2 or earlier versions of Nextcloud Hub 5. So, I guess you’ll have to wait for the release of Hub 6 (27.1.0), or maybe there will be a version 27.0.3 that includes a backport of this feature.
In version 27.1.3 there seems to be an easier solution that hides the Accounts addressbook.
Contacts App → Settings → Section Addressbooks → last line should be Accounts. Klick … on the right and uncheck the “show” checkbox.
Worked for me, no user accounts in the contacts app any longer.
But this is a solution just at user level, not at system level.
Every serious groupware solution has such a feature. Imagine you work in a large company with hundreds or thousands of employees and you need to contact someone, but your company’s groupware solution does not provide a global address list. Wouldn’t that be annoying
I agree that this is a useful feature for many instances of Nextcloud. But I think this should be opt-in and easy to turn-off - which it is not. There are also instances where users should not see all other users of the Nextcloud instance and also might be confused by having two address books.
I certainly wouldn’t mind if there was a toggle in the UI for this, but then again, it’s not a setting you’re likely need to change on a daily basis, so I don’t think it’s a big deal having to run an OCC command to change it. But feel free to open a feature request on GitHub if there isn’t one already.
Thank you! This removes the ‘accounts’ address book from contact sync! And this now seems to be a requirement to set nextcloud as the default contacts solution on iOS!! With more than one “list” in the nextcloud profile this wasn’t possible. It took me hours to figure this out.