How to connect to nextcloud without internet connection

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Dear Gurus!
I can connect to nextcloud without internet connection using browser. But can’t Accessing files using Microsoft Windows without internet connection, and can’t Mapping drive to nextcloud folder (with internet connection I can do it) . Using the browser I receive a warning that the connection is without an ssl and confirming that I trust the site I get access. How does the browser gain access in this case?

is your next cloud mapped to a domain name ?

From a network with an Internet connection the next cloud mapped to domain and there is a certificate . From network without an Internet connection next cloud mapped to some other domain name .

without internet connection the warning is the expected behavior because the domain is not sign with a certificate.
For the domain you use without certification you can use a self-signed certificate

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I apologize, perhaps the question is not posed correctly -

  1. To connect to the cloud using Windows, should I create a certificate and register it in Windows?
  2. How does the browser connect to the cloud - does it disable certificate verification in httphandler or what?

The cloud was created by an organization that received a certificate for a domain name on an network with internet connection. I have a login and password to access my data. On the internal network, the domain name is different

To me, this sounds like the server’s domain name cannot be resolved locally without an Internet connection. So the main question is how the DNS is set up for the domain name. And what SSL certificates are being used.

First of all, make sure that your local DNS is working, and all clients can resolve the domain name of your server from inside your local network.

If your environment is only occasionally disconnected from the Internet, a working local DNS is probably all you need…

If your environment is permanently disconnected from the Internet, you will also need to find a way to (manually) obtain and renew certificates. Also, the certificate stores on the clients will need to be updated too from time to time. So you will need to find a way to do this manually as well.

Alternatively, you can use self-signed certificates, but these generate warnings in browsers and client applications, and some client applications may not work at all. The warnings can be avoided by importing the self-signed certificates into each client machine’s trusted root certificate store.

However, all this is not specific to Nextcloud, but rather a general network design and certificate management issue that probably should be addressed by whoever has set this up.

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Thank you very much for your attention and clarification. My problem is that I, being on an internal network, want to programmatically read files from the cloud. I tried to disable certificate verification in httphandler, but in this case, sometimes I manage to gain access and read the file through the webdavclient, but sometimes access is lost for unknown reasons. This may be due to inaccurate programming. I’m looking for a solution. I wonder how the browser solves this problem, how does it cancel certificate verification? Is the only way to solve the problem - ask the cloud owner for a self-signed certificate, or I can get it yourself from the browser?

Hard to say without knowing the specifics of the client software or libraries you are using.

Most WebDAV clients have an option to disable certificate validation. Usually there is a GUI checkbox or command line parameter for this, but there may be some that don’t handle it well, or cannot handle it at all.

If you’re developing something yourself, I suggest you consult the documentation for the particular library you’re using or maybe the developer of said libary, or maybe you could open a new thread with more details in the development section of this forum.

as bb77 suggested already you may use a splitbraindns to make a system hosted at public DNS accessible through local IP address. this requires little adoption but removes the need of cert validation voodoo etc as you access the system in the same way you do through internet…

Thank you very much! I will try.
I managed to connect from a network that does not have Internet access using the same code but from a different computer on which Windows 10 Pro version 22X2 is installed ( Here are the connection details
I wonder what could be the reason? On that computer, Windows Server 2008, TLS 1.2 protocol is connected. And in the same configuration but with Internet access, everything works without problems… I’ll look.
On Windows 10, it was not possible to connect the cloud as a network drive - it’s also not clear why… It connects programmatically, from the browser too…