How to connect TAPO C200 camera to record on private NextCloud?

Recently I acquired a few TAPO C200 cameras. They are able to record in a loop over a sdcard, computer folder, and also they can record in the TAPO cloud service.

I was searching for a way to record in a loop over my private NextCloud system.

Anyone of you knows if it is possible and how to do it?

Thank you in advance.

I think the camera supports ONVIF but Nextcloud does not.

Can you explain this way and settings. Perhaps you can mount your nextcloud with e.g. davfs2, webDAV, …

This type of camera allows you to record on your computer. I thought to sync this folder with NextCloud but this option force me to turn on the computer forever. I would like to take advantage of my Nextcloud that it is already up and running all the time.

Can you explain how this works? Perhaps than we can help you to direct record to your Nextcloud if possible.

Nextcloud can only save the data, I would rather go to software that was made for cameras such as I-Spy or similar and add nextcloud as network storage there.
Your C200 is even supported by I-Spy: Connect to Tapo cameras