How to build-client for Windows Platform _?

   Hi everyone , 

I tried to build my own nextcloud-win client but unfortunately coudnt do it . I have used two different platform for building the client ;

1 - Windows 10 Pro - (64 Bit )
2 - OpenSUSE Leap (42.3) (64 Bit )

Anyone can tell me how to build my own next-cloud client step by step _?

For example ; ( OpenSuse Leap )

1- install git ( zypper install git ) & git clone …
2- install docker ( zypper install docker )
3- cd /home/xxxuser/client/admin/win/docker …
4- docker …

5- change own logo , license agreement ., … in …/…/ ( from source path )

. - Build the client ( to …/ path )

I just need to step by step building-client instructions . I looked for such kind of document and video , but i couldnt find it .

Thanks ,

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There are a couple of ways to have Nextcloud in Windows 10 Pro Environment running.

One of that is Hyper-V, you have to activate it in the Windows Features and also you can activate Linux and CIFS/SMB suport. Also Windows 10 Pro has SSH suport, but you have to install also.

Docker and VMware Player is also possible, but I prefer Hyper-V because it should be pretty close to the system

In the HowTo Section you will find a couple of scripts or as the section is named Howto

Another way is, to use an ready Image, you have to bind into the VM and after booting will start a script with all necessary steps.
Have a look here …

I have bought there an Hyper-V Image, it is working so far, but Support is nearly Zero, in my opinion he wants that customers buy the Support … nice business idea. But at Github you will find the script and you can learn all the pathes you need to know once you have trouble.

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I think it’s about building a Nextcloud client from the sources. Not installing the server on a Windows platform…

Oh, understand …
Than he will find his answers with a little research probably here …

Yes , tflidd is right . I want to build nextcloud -client for Windows .

I know this link but i couldnt be able to complete instructions , maybe i follow wrong steps . I briefly explain what i did ;

A - My Env ; OpenSuse Leap ; 42.3 (64 Bit ) … (All packages updated )
01 - zypper install git ( Generic Build Instructions )
02 - git clone git:// && cd client && git submodule init && git submodule update
(git submodule init ;
Submodule ‘binary’ (git:// registered for path 'binary’
Submodule ‘src/3rdparty/libcrashreporter-qt’ (git:// registered for path 'src/3rdparty/libcrashreporter-qt’
Submodule ‘src/3rdparty/qtmacgoodies’ ( registered for path ‘src/3rdparty/qtmacgoodies’ )

(git submodule update ;
Cloning into ‘/home/suse/client/binary’…
Cloning into ‘/home/suse/client/src/3rdparty/libcrashreporter-qt’…
Cloning into ‘/home/suse/client/src/3rdparty/qtmacgoodies’…
Submodule path ‘binary’: checked out '3425fab2c66118ffae3e3b16751e636ca71ee450’
Submodule path ‘src/3rdparty/libcrashreporter-qt’: checked out '7170fe4a8c535e00e1b4a120d7208fd685612e0f’
Submodule path ‘src/3rdparty/qtmacgoodies’: checked out ‘4ffbff5d5fca7332f6390ddc2fe74cd29e8675f8’)

03 - mkdir client-build && cd client-build

04 - ??? ( I dont know what should i write after , my user name i suse ,
my client path ; /home/suse/client/ )

Could you please tell me how should i continue _?

( After this point i tried installing docker and followed Windows Installer Build (Cross-Compile) steps , but in docker run -v “$PWD:/home/user/client” owncloud-client-win32:
/home/user/client/admin/win/docker/ client/ $(id -u) step i failed , )

I need your step by step instructions , Thanks for your replies …

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i have this problem too, any instructions ? :cry:

Any Luck Mr TP, i need your help too, show me the step by step pls. contact me ASAP!